Design avdelingen


Since 2012 Betongpark has worked passionately creating unique spaces for skateboarding and urban activities. Founded originally in Oslo, Norway before establishing a second office in London, England, Betongpark is recognized as one of Europe’s industry leaders.

The key to our success - deep roots in the skateboarding community. As life-long riders ourselves we cherish and understand these unique environments, not merely as a sporting arena but as a meeting place for subcultures to thrive. The spaces we create aim to inspire and educate.

Betongpark works together with private clients, councils and landscape architects to conceive bespoke landscapes. Our international workforce includes designers, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors and project managers. Our services include everything from guidance and conceptualisation to detail design and management throughout construction. Below is profiled key members of our London team:

Ansatte designavdelingen

Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 13.05.29.jpg

Daryl Nobbs

Skater og park designer

Dom Alden

Landskapsarkitekt og skater


Daryl in skatepark

Kontakt oss
+47 915 31 126

betongpark limited
258 kingsland road

London, e8 4dg


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